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I am a visual artist primarily working with video, photography and installation art. My work navigates themes of identity, belonging, and social conventions. I guide attention towards that which is not typically seen and encourage visitors to take active part in the exhibition through interaction with the pieces. In this way I aim to shift the perception of the exhibition site simply being a place for passive observation and promote social participation.

I am one of the founders of Best Before Collective.


2018–2023 – Master of Arts and Media in Upper Secondary School – Konstfack University of Arts and Crafts, Stockholm
2021 – Artist-Run Theory and Practice – Konstfack University of Arts and Crafts, Stockholm
2016-2017 – Fine Arts –Wiks Folkhögskola
2011-2013 – Photography - Kulturama, Stockholm


– Stockholm, September 2024
Tidskriften Kontradiktion
– Helsingfors, October 2024

and you would have to believe it” – Critical Edge Collective at Copeland Gallery, June, London
Dissimilitude” – Rättviks Konsthall, May, Rättvik
Framed: Light Entertainment” - Gallery Detroit, May, Stockholm
”Husby Konstsalong” – Husby Konsthall, April, Stockholm

Short Film Day” @ Best Before Collective gallery, December, Stockholm
Kattguld” - gallery exchange “Best Before Collective – Galleri Nos”, December
New Neutrality, group – PIPELINE gallery, July, Los Angeles
Konst i Ån group – Norrtälje Konsthall, June-August, Norrtälje
Master degree show 2023Konstfack, May, Stockholm
New Neutrality group – Studio 44, May, Stockholm
Husby Konstsalong” group – Husby Konsthall, April, Stockholm
Member exhibition – gallery Best Before Collective, March, Stockholm
UÄÄÄH! performance festival group Best Before CollectiveFylkingen, February, Stockholm
charōn, group with Best Before Collective at Stadsgårdsterminalen, February, Stockholm
VY”, group – Konstfack, January, Stockholm

Wherever I lay my eyes - the light follows”, solo at Konsthall ABC, December, Stockholm
Vi går långa vägar för att hitta oss själva, och varandra”, solo at Nomad, Oktober, Stockholm
Gallery Opening Östermalmstorg! with Best Before Collective, Oktober, Stockholm
searching for my inner home”, solo at Teater Tribunalen, May, Stockholm
När jag tänker på dig känns det som att du tänker på mig med“ duo with Øistein Sæthren Dahle at Candyland, February-March, Stockholm

Subversion Söderort” duo with Jesper Setréus at Konsthall C, Stockholm

“Kroppar som inte syns”, group exhibition at Konstfack, Stockholm
A moment passed by” duo with Jane Morén at Galleri Nordostpassagen, Stockholm
Wikdagen”, group exhibition at Wiks Folkhögskola, Wik
“Tid&Rum”, group exhibition at Enköpings Konsthall, Enköping
“Whitebox@Vox” at Kulturhuset Leoparden, Uppsala
Creative Chaos”, collaboration between two art collectives in Stockholm
Fem unga en stad” solo at Fenix, Stockholm
“Mitt Stockholm”, group exhibition at Galleri Kontrast, Stockholm


Evaluating the project Art Teaching: Methodology Exchange”, a Think Tank-meeting at Juxtapose Art Fair with Filip Rahim Hansson, Andreas Ribbung, Jasem Shuman.
Evaluating the impact of education projects” and “Artist and/or educator”, a meeting at Supermarket Independent Art Fair with Filip Rahim Hansson, Jasem Shuman and Rafat Asad.
Interviewed for ARNE (Artist Run Network Europe) about our art collective Best Before Collective.

Artist Talk at my solo exhibition “Wherever I lay my eyes - the light follows”, solo at Konsthall ABC, Stockholm.


Art Teaching: Methodology Exchange, in a collaborations with Supermarket Independent Art Fair with funding from Svenska Institutet.


Björkö Konstnod residence
, December 2023, Norrtälje
Stiftelsen Gudrun Åhlbergs Minnesfond for my exam project at Konstfack, May, Stockholm